国际商务(西南财经大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第二周 国际商务中的政治&经济 政治风险单元测试

1、 Which of the following is true of a sovereign state?

答案: It enjoys full legal equality with other states

2、 The ideal political climate for a multinational firm is:

答案: a country with a stable and friendly government.

3、 Which of the following countries is the only country to preclude women from voting and appears to be still completely in the dark ages with regard to suffrage?

答案: Saudi Arabia 

4、 Which of the following is an instance of how nationalism can be manifested?

答案: Restrictions on imports.

5、 With respect to political risk that can be faced by a company seeking to invest abroad, which of the following is most severe?

答案: Confiscation

6、 When a government seizes an investment of a foreign investor but some reimbursement for the assets is made, the government is following a process called:

答案: expropriation

7、 ____ occurs when host countries gradually cause the transfer of foreign investment to national control and ownership through a series of government decrees by mandating local ownership and greater national involvement in a company’s management.

答案: Domestication

8、 _____ stem from shortages of foreign currency held by a country.

答案: Exchange controls 

9、 In Thailand, it is required that any milk products sold in the country must contain at least 50 percent milk from Thai dairy farmers. Which of the following economic risks faced by international producers of milk is illustrated in this situation?

答案: Local-content laws 

10、 Stopping or refusing to trade with another nation for political reasons is called:

答案: boycotting.

11、 Which of the following statements is true of political sanctions?

答案: Political sanctions are generally not very successful. 

12、 The United States required that 50 percent of all parts used in an automobile constructed in the United States must contain parts that were manufactured in the United States. When Toyota Motor Company built automobile manufacturing plants in Tennessee and Ohio, it faced economic risks associated with _____.

答案: local-content laws

13、 Taxes must be classified as a _____ risk when used as a means of controlling foreign investments.

答案: political 

14、 Since the government of Nigeria is strapped for cash, it has decided to tax all foreign investments (such as oil production equipment) by up to forty percent of the appraised value. The Nigerian government has found that this is the handiest and quickest means of finding operating funds. The economic risk in discussion here is:

答案: tax controls. 

15、 In North Korea, foreign investors or producers are required to sell products at prices stated by the North Korean government rather than letting market value and demand, determine the prices. This implies that there is severe application of _____.

答案: price controls 

16、 Which of the following statements is true of political sanctions?

答案: Political sanctions are generally not very successful. 

17、 Which of the following forms of terrorism uses the Internet to inflict damage?

答案: Cyberterrorism

18、 Brian is attempting to forecast political instability and help management identify and evaluate political events and their potential influence on current and future international business decisions. Brian is engaged in:

答案: political risk assessment.

19、 In terms of political risk, which of the following poses the greatest threat to international marketers?

答案: The possibility of the government actually failing.

20、 Which of the following strategies to minimize political vulnerability and risk has the advantage of engaging the power of several investors and banks in the host country whenever any kind of government takeover or harassment is threatened?

答案: Expanding the investment base 

21、 Sovereignty refers to both the powers exercised by a state in relation to other countries and the supreme powers exercised over its own members.

答案: 正确

22、 At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the issue of taxation and tariffs.

答案: 错误

23、 Nationalism can take an anti-foreign business bias.

答案: 正确

24、 The most severe political risk is domestication.

答案: 错误

25、 Many countries have domestication as a condition for investment.

答案: 正确

26、 Price controls are normally targeted at nonessential products.

答案: 错误

27、 Price controls are normally targeted at nonessential products.

答案: 错误

28、 Political sanctions are the most effective means of achieving the desired goal of forcing a country to accept demands of the boycotting country.

答案: 错误

29、 Products that have or are perceived to have an effect on the environment are more likely to be politically sensitive.

答案: 正确

30、 Planned domestication can be profitable and operationally expedient for the foreign investor.

答案: 正确

31、 It is illegal for U.S. citizens to pay bribe unless it is a common practice in the host country.

答案: 错误

32、 A single company can directly control or alter the political environment of the country within which it operates.

答案: 错误

33、 Pressure from nationalist and self-interest groups affect the stability of a government.

答案: 正确

34、 Foreign investment can be perceived as a threat to sovereignty

答案: 正确

35、 Expropriation and nationalization often lead to nationalized businesses that are efficient, technologically strong, and competitive in world markets.

答案: 错误

36、 The Foreign Credit Insurance Association underwrites trade and investments for U.S. firms.

答案: 错误

37、 The principal agency that supports U.S. business abroad is the Department of Commerce (DOC).

答案: 正确

38、 Adherence to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules means a loss of some degree of national sovereignty.

答案: 正确

39、 At the top of the list of political issues concerning foreign businesses is the issue of taxation and tariffs.

答案: 错误

40、 Nationalistic feelings are directly proportional to growth of domestic economy.

答案: 错误

第二周 国际商务中的政治&经济 经济体系、收入和福利单元测试

1、 GNI per person figures can be misleading because _____.

答案: they don’t consider differences in the cost of living

2、 Which of the following helps in adjusting GNI such that it accounts for the differences in the cost of living?

答案: Purchasing power parity (PPP) adjustment

3、 In some countries, the official GNI per capita measured at PPP data does not reflect the actual the total annual income because:

答案: large amounts of economic activity may be in the form of barter agreements.

4、 In a pure market economy:

答案: production is determined by the interaction of supply and demand

5、 In a _____ economy, certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms while other sectors have significant state ownership and government planning.

答案: mixed

6、 Which of the following is a measure that is developed by the United Nations to measure the quality of life in different nations?

答案: Human Development Index

7、 According to Amartya Sen, development should be:

答案: seen as a process of expanding the real freedoms that people experience.

8、 In which of the following economies would the government be most likely to take into state ownership troubled firms whose continued operation is thought to be vital to national interests?

答案: Mixed economies

9、 Stagnation can occur in planned economies because:

答案: entrepreneurial individuals have few economic incentives for innovation.

10、 The HDI is based on all of the following measures EXCEPT:

答案: political freedom.

11、 In a command economy, enterprises have little incentive to control costs and be efficient, because they cannot go out of business.

答案: 正确

12、 GNI per capita can be adjusted by purchasing power to account for differences in the cost of living.

答案: 正确

13、 GNI and PPP data are useful because they provide a dynamic analysis of economic development.

答案: 错误

14、 The economic freedom associated with a market economy creates greater incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship than either a planned or a mixed economy.

答案: 正确

15、 In a planned economy, the means of production are owned by private individuals.

答案: 错误

16、 The economic freedom associated with a market economy creates greater incentives for innovation and entrepreneurship than either a planned or a mixed economy.

答案: 正确

17、 Privatization refers to the process of hiring private management consultancy firms to manage state-owned enterprises.

答案: 错误

18、 Since the late 1980s, there has been a strong move away from a more free market economic model and toward a more centrally planned and mixed economies.

答案: 错误

19、 Transformation from centrally planned command economies to market-based economies can be attributed to the fact that command and mixed economies failed to deliver the sustained economic performance achieved by countries adopting market-based systems.

答案: 正确

20、 Deregulation involves prohibiting private enterprises from operating in most sectors of the economy.

答案: 错误

21、 Economic freedom necessarily equates with political freedom.

答案: 错误

22、 The political, economic, and legal environments of a country influence the attractiveness of that country as a market or investment site.

答案: 正确

23、 New information and communication technologies have enabled the spread of democratic ideals.

答案: 正确

24、 According to political scientist Samuel Huntington’s thesis, global terrorism is a product of the tension between civilizations and the clash of value systems and ideology.

答案: 正确

25、 The base for the purchasing power parity adjustment of the GNI is the cost of living in the United States.

答案: 正确

第三周 国际商务道德&腐败 商业道德和商业腐败单元测试

1、 Which of the following was designed to allow GM to operate ethically in South Africa as long as the company did not obey the apartheid laws in its own South African operations?

答案: Sullivan principles

2、 Identify the INCORRECT statement about environmental regulations

答案: Environmental regulations are similar across developed and developing nations.

3、 Which of the following observations about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is true?

答案: The act outlawed the paying of bribes to foreign government officials to gain business.

4、 The Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions excludes:

答案: facilitating payments made to expedite routine government action.

5、 The idea that businesspeople should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences is known as:

答案: social responsibility

6、 Expatriate managers may experience more than the usual degree of pressure to violate their personal ethics because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

答案: they are psychologically and geographically closer to the parent company.

7、 According to _____, the social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law.

答案: the Friedman doctrine

8、 Cultural relativism suggests that:

答案: a firm should adopt the ethics of the culture in which it is operating.

9、 Child labor is permitted and widely employed in Country X. A multinational company entering Country X decides to employ minors in its subsidiary, even though it is against the multinational’s home-country ethics. Which of the following approaches to business ethics would justify the actions of the multinational company?

答案: Cultural relativism

10、 The righteous moralist suggests that:

答案: a multinational’s home-country standards of ethics are the appropriate ones for companies to follow in foreign countries.

11、 According to the naive immoralist,:

答案: if firms in a host nation do not follow ethical norms then the manager of a multinational should also not follow ethical norms there.

12、 The utilitarian approach to business ethics suggests that:

答案: the moral worth of actions or practices is determined by their consequences

13、 The Kantian approach to ethics suggests that:

答案: people should be treated as ends and never purely as means to the ends of others.

14、 Identify the correct statement about the rights theories.

答案: Human beings have fundamental rights and privileges that transcend national boundaries.

15、 Justice theories of business ethics focus on:

答案: the attainment of an equitable distribution of goods and services.

16、 Ethical strategies are the accepted principles of right or wrong governing the conduct of businesspeople.

答案: 错误

17、 What is considered normal business practice in one country may be considered unethical in other countries.

答案: 正确

18、 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act outlawed the paying of bribes to foreign government officials to gain business.

答案: 正确

19、 Facilitating payments are also known as speed money or grease payments.

答案: 正确

20、 The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation toward employment conditions, human rights, environmental pollution, and the use of power are always clear-cut.

答案: 错误

21、 Ethical dilemmas exist because many real-world decisions involve first-, second-, and third- order consequences that are hard to quantify.

答案: 正确

22、 Straw men approaches to business ethics offer appropriate guidelines for ethical decision making in a multinational enterprise.

答案: 错误

23、 The utilitarian approach to ethics is a straw men approach to business ethics that has some inherent value, but is unsatisfactory in important ways.

答案: 错误

24、 Milton Friedman’s basic position is that the only social responsibility of business is to increase profits, so long as the company stays within the rules of law.

答案: 正确

25、 According to the cultural relativism point-of-view, a firm should adopt the ethics of the culture in which it is operating.

答案: 正确

26、 According to the righteous moralist, if a manager of a multinational sees that firms from other nations are not following ethical norms in a host nation, that manager should not either.

答案: 错误

27、 Most moral philosophers see value in utilitarian and Kantian approaches to business ethics.

答案: 正确

28、 Rights theories recognize that human rights and privileges are culturally determined and vary from country to country

答案: 错误

29、 Moral courage enables managers to walk away from a decision that is profitable but unethical.

答案: 正确

30、 To establish moral intent, managers need to stand in the shoes of a stakeholder and ask how a proposed decision might impact that stakeholder.

答案: 错误

第四周 国际贸易&盈利模式 国际贸易单元测试

1、 David
Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage explains global trade in terms of the

答案: international
differences in labor productivity

2、 Which
of the following theories emphasizes the interplay between the proportions in
which the factors of production are available in different countries and the
proportions in which they are needed for producing particular goods?

答案: Heckscher-Ohlin

3、 Identify
the theory that supports the view that in some cases countries export for the
reason that the world market can support only a limited number of firms.

答案: New
trade theory

4、 Which
of the following observations is consistent with Michael Porter’s theory of
national competitive advantage?

答案: Factors
such as domestic demand and domestic rivalry determine nations’ dominance on

5、 Which
of the following is a major flaw associated with mercantilism?

答案: Mercantilists
view trade as a zero-sum game.

6、 By
lowering production costs, _____ help domestic producers compete against
foreign imports.



7、 _____
is a direct restriction on the quantity of some good that may be imported into
a country.


Import quota

8、 _____
is a quota on trade imposed by the exporting country, typically at the request
of the importing country’s government.


Voluntary export

9、 According
to _____, some specific fraction of a good must be produced domestically.

答案: local
content requirements

10、 Administrative
trade policies are:


bureaucratic rules
designed to make it difficult for imports to enter a country.

11、 The
theories of Smith and Ricardo show that countries should not engage in
international trade for products that it is able to produce for itself.

答案: 错误

12、 New
trade theory stresses that in some cases countries specialize in the production
and export of particular products because the world market can support only a
limited number of firms.

答案: 正确

13、 Porter’s
theory of national competitive advantage recommends unrestricted free trade
between countries.

答案: 错误

14、 Mercantilist
doctrine advocates unrestricted free trade between countries.

答案: 错误

15、 The
principle of mercantilism views trade as a positive-sum game.

答案: 错误

16、 The
theory of comparative advantage suggests that trade is a positive-sum game in
which all countries that participate realize economic gains.

答案: 正确

17、 Economies
of scale are unit cost reductions associated with a large scale of

答案: 正确

18、 Export
tariffs are far less common than import tariffs.

答案: 正确

19、 Bureaucratic
rules designed to make it difficult for imports to enter a country are called
local content requirements.

答案: 错误

20、 Antidumping
policies are designed to punish foreign firms that are engaged in dumping.

答案: 正确

21、 According
to the infant industry argument, many developing countries have a potential
comparative advantage in manufacturing, but new manufacturing industries cannot
initially compete with established industries in developed countries.

答案: 正确

22、 Strategic
trade policy suggests that a government should use subsidies to support
promising firms that are active in newly emerging industries.

答案: 正确

23、 Governments
do not always act in the national interest when they intervene in the economy;
politically important interest groups often influence them.

答案: 正确

24、 The
Smoot-Hawley Act raised tariff barriers in the hope of protecting jobs and
diverting consumer demand away from foreign products.

答案: 正确

25、 A
key goal of the 1986 Uruguay Round was to extend GATT to cover trade in

答案: 错误

第五周 国际直接投资&国际工程承包 国际直接投资单元测试

1、 FDI
occurs when a firm:


invests directly in
facilities to produce a product in a foreign country.

2、 Which
of the following is an example of a greenfield investment?


A Chinese sugar
maker setting up a sugar crushing facility in Cuba.

3、 The
stock of FDI is:


the total
accumulated value of foreign-owned assets at a given time.

4、 Which
of the following primarily explains why developing nations are characterized by
lower percentage of cross-border mergers and acquisitions compared to developed


Fewer target firms
to acquire in developing nations

5、 When
contemplating FDI, why do firms apparently prefer to acquire existing assets
rather than undertake greenfield investments?

答案: Mergers
and acquisitions are quicker to execute than greenfield investments.

6、 A
French wind power company gives an Indonesian company the right to produce and
sell wind turbines in return for a royalty fee on every unit sold. Which
business practice is this an example of?



7、 Which
of the following is a way in which governments increase the attractiveness of
FDI and licensing relative to exporting?

答案: By
implementing import quotas

8、 Identify
the theory that seeks to explain why firms often prefer foreign direct
investment over licensing as a strategy for entering foreign markets.



9、 In
which of the following situations does the internalization theory recommend FDI
as opposed to licensing?

答案: When
the firm needs tight control over a foreign entity

10、 Which
of the following observations concerning Knickerbocker’s theory is true?

答案: It
does not explain why the first firm in an oligopoly decides to undertake FDI
rather than to export or license.

11、 A
Japanese car manufacturer acquires an Italian producer of car tires. This is an
example of a greenfield investment.

答案: 错误

12、 The
majority of cross-border investment in the developed world is in the form of
greenfield investments rather than mergers and acquisitions.

答案: 错误

13、 When
transportation costs are added to production costs, it becomes unprofitable to
ship some products over a large distance. This is particularly true of products
that have a high value-to-weight ratio.

答案: 错误

14、 By
placing tariffs on imported goods, governments can increase the cost of
exporting relative to foreign direct investment and licensing.

答案: 正确

15、 Internalization
theory seeks to explain why firms often prefer foreign direct investment over
licensing as a strategy for entering foreign markets.

答案: 正确

16、 Licensing
gives a firm tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a
foreign country that may be required to maximize its profitability.

答案: 错误

17、 An
oligopoly is an industry composed of a limited number of large firms.

答案: 正确

18、 John
Dunning pioneered the eclectic paradigm.

答案: 正确

19、 The
free market view argues that FDI is a benefit to both the source country and to
the host country.

答案: 正确

20、 If
the FDI is a substitute for imports of goods or services, the effect can be to
improve the current account of the host country’s balance of payments.

答案: 正确

21、 The
two most common methods of restricting inward FDI are ownership restraints and
performance requirements.

答案: 正确

22、 Licensing
is usually a good option for firms in high-tech industries where protecting
firm-specific expertise is of paramount importance.

答案: 错误

23、 The
product life-cycle theory and Knickerbocker’s theory of horizontal FDI tend to
be very useful from a business perspective because the theories are more
descriptive than analytical.

答案: 错误

24、 Offshore
production refers to FDI undertaken to serve the host market.

答案: 错误

25、 Recent
years have seen a marked increase in the number of countries that adhere to a
radical ideology regarding FDI.

答案: 错误





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